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Md zahid hasan
Aug 04, 2022
In Welcome to the Forum
You might be surprised to hear this, but a search engine optimization training course can benefit many different roles within a company — not just the obvious ones like marketing. That is because for SEO to really succeed, everyone in the company has to be on board, from the C-suite all the way down to IT. That includes all decision makers and everyone who touches a company website. In this article, I’ll briefly explain the roles that can benefit cork bicycle zone from a search engine optimization training course and why. Business Owners / C-Suite If you own a small business or are an executive at a mid- to large-sized company, you are a decision maker. That means you set the priorities and, often, allocate the budgets. If you do not understand the fundamentals of search engine optimization and how it can drive revenue for your business, you likely won’t: Prioritize SEO Make good decisions about SEO Sure, you could rely on your team to make a case for SEO to get buy-in, or you could take an SEO training course at your own pace to really boost your digital marketing know-how. (Tip: We have a Free Executive Guide to SEO one-hour video course that gives you the basics. And for you SEOs out there, get your boss to take this … it will make your life much easier.) Given that many C-suite positions do not require technical digital skills, a search engine optimization training course is a good complement to continuing education company goals. Marketing Managers Managers hire the right people with the right skills, and then they often stay out of the details. But first, marketing managers need to understand what are the right SEO skills they need to hire. And, once they hire the right person or people, they need to be able to have intelligent conversations about the company’s SEO strategy and where it’s headed. These conversations need to be tailored to both the teams working on SEO and to the C-suite. Research shows that when CMOs are able to master marketing strategy, their budgets are more likely to be protected during a downturn, and they enjoy a 48% longer tenure. Marketing managers and all of their staff and contributors should consider our membership site. No matter how senior you are, you will find that a quality program like ours that standardizes the training across your teams can change your life even more than you would expect.
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Md zahid hasan

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